MAC Fall Colour Collection

Its launching in Sweden the 8th of October. It is a lot of old products we see re-lauched in this collection.
I allready have a few of those items, so I thought I would show you. And ofcourse it is the lipsticks.
It's totally 8 in this collection.
Neon Orange, Show Orchid, Fusion Pink and Ruby Woo

Here you have Ruby Woo on the lips:

The four next lipsticks are:
Fleshpot, Violetta, X-S and Plum Bright

Here you have Violetta on the lips:

China Glaze
This deep brown/red jewel is China Glaze Short & Sassy

My lovely purple eyeshadows
First row:
Digit, Satin, permanent
Her Alter Image, Veluxe Pearl (Venomous Villains 2010)
Satellite Dreams, Veluxe Pearl, permanent
Fashion Groupie, Starflash (Love That Look 2009)
Hepcat, Frost, permanent
Vibrant Grape, Satin (Style Warrior 2009)
Shock-A-Holic, Satin (Dear to Wear 2010)
Second row:
My Dark Magic, Mineralize (Venomous Villains 2010)
Earthly Riches, Mineralize, permanent
Noir Plum, Mega Metal (Peacocky 2011)

And on the arm, notice its swatches from both sides on the mineralize eyeshadows.

Pink eyeshadows
Ego, Starflash (Love That Look 2009)
Wintersky, Frost (Chill 2008)
Swish, Frost, permanent
Stars 'N Rockets, Veluxe Pearl, permanent
Dear Cupcake, Satin (Sugar Sweet 2009)
Louder Please, matte (Dear to Wear 2010

And swatches in same order

Yellow and Orange MAC eyeshadows
It was a lot more work than I thought. But now its done, I have swatched all my eyeshadows. First out is the yellow and orange ones. I have tried to take pictures in different light so that you can get a hum about the colours.
From down left and clockwise:
Dreammaker, Starflash (Love That Look 2009)
Going Bananas, Frost (Dare to Wear 2010)
Bright Future, Veluxe Pearl (Style Warrior 2009)
Gorgeous Gold, Veluxe Pearl, permanent
Goldmine, Frost, permanent
Expensive Pink, Veluxe Pearl, permanent
Off the Page, Frost (Makeup Art Cosmetics 2009)
And some swatches
Dreammaker, Going Bananas, Bright Future, Gorgeous Gold, Goldmine, Expensive Pink, Off the page
Lime Crime
First out is the colour Retrofuturist

Swatches on the lip

Sweet colour huh?
Its on the dry side, very pigmented and glides on perfect. And the best part is, it has great stayingpower.
Not all webshops are on my friendslist.
Unfortunately I've had a really bad experience with a webshop recently. I did order 3 items the 26th of August from Yesterday my package finally arrived, I got informed that it would take about 3 business days, not 3,5 weeks! And the worst part is, one item was missing.
I have ordered a lot from the internet over the past few years and I mostly have good experiences. I have written them an e-mail now, and I hope they are coming back to me asap.
I will keep you informed, but untill then, find another webshop =)
Can you have a bad nailpolish day?
Well here are some pictures atleast, mabye you can get a hum about the colours atleast.
First out is OPI Lucerne Tainly Look Marvelous

Then I tried to save it with a coat Nfu-Oh #50 (and it got even worse)

So I decided to go with OPI Black Cherry Chutney instead:

Well what can I say... its time to repolish!! :)
My freelance brushes

OPI... again
Pictures incoming.. I promise to swatch them later!
Malaga Wine (the perfect red atm), Black Cherry Chutney (I can't get enough purple nailpolishes), Lucerne Tainly Look Marvelous (awesome silver/steel grey) and a bottle of RapiDry and 2 Avojuice. The one that smells Coconut Melon I can sniff all day long, wish I could drink it!

Gradient nails
My first try on gradient nails... I am not satisfied with the result, the sponge I had was way to hard.
But I will show you some pictures, and I promise to practise some more and come back with a better manicure ;)
The last 2 days
We had a happening in our store where the famous swedish Hollywood housewife Maria Montazami were visiting. She was releasing her new lipstick in cooperation with Make Up Store. It was over 120 people in our tiny store that wanted to take pictures with her and get her to sign the lipstick. It was sooo crowded, but so much fun.
Some random pictures from the evening:

I woke up and thought the whole building was going to fall apart. The hurricane Katia was here. And guess what, I had a photoshoot outdoors... Oh joy.
I met the photographer and stylist David and the lovely model Isabella so we could do some makeup and try on the clothes before we went outside.

Then we went outside... for like 6 hours in the hurricane. It was crazy I tell you, but I think David got some really good pictures. I will show you when I get them. (Ofcourse I forgot to take pictures outside)
Paler than pale?
Good morning!
Today I have a tip for the most fair skintones. As you may have seen in previous photos I am very pale. One time two brasilian girls started pointing at me and started touching me, and I was like wtf? They were just "ooohh you look like a geisha" So well... you get the point... :)
My newest foundation Chanel Mat Lumière I bought in the lightest shade 20 Clair, but its still to yellow and to dark for me. So I tried the Purple Neutralizer from Make Up Store, and mixed it with my foundation to get it lighter and less yellow. Here you have the result:
First the foundation alone, second the neutralizer and third a mix of both.
Its really working, and I can wear my new foundation that I really do love! Perfect!
Sunday means new manicure

How I store my mascara wands
Picture spam incoming!

So what do you think?
My favorite facemask
It has taken me years to come to where I am today, my skin is finally "normal" I have tried tons of cleansers, masks and creams. But still I almost always got some pimples, you know those annoying bastards deep into the skin, that you just have to squeeze and you end up with a huge mark in your face that takes weeks to heal. One part of my new routine is this mask from Lush, BB Seaweed. I use it a couple of times a week and it seems like it helps to hold my skin in balance. I dont say this will help for the rest of my life, but right now it does and I will keep on using it until my skin starts screaming for a change.
I confess, I'm a MACoholic.
First visit:
I needed a new powder to do touch-ups during the day, and again I picked Studio Careblend in Light Pluss. This is my 3rd pan, I really love this stuff. And I wanted a creamy highlighter for my cheeks, and ofcourse I ended up with Cream Colour Base in Pearl. The good old classic one, it's a perfect shade for light skin. The third product was a new eyeshadow, I wanted a new light shade that did not go too much towards brown or pink, so I ended up with Vanilla. So far I'm pleased with it, I've had time to try it out a couple of times already.

Second visit:
Well, the first time I went I was supposed to pick up a new pan with Mineralize Skinfinish Natural, but they were sold out. This is the powder I use in the morning to set my foundation. So a new MSN in Medium was needed since the old one was totally empty.

Third visit:
MAC me Over was launced. Ahh... There were two items I really wanted from this collection. The super sweet blending brush #224, ohh I have been waiting years for them to release this one with a collection. Its an amazing brush and its always sold out before I can get my hands on one. But this time I was lucky! The second item was the red lipstick Runaway Red, ohh so pretty. Its a medium/dark bluebased red, it has to be the prettiest red I own. It's the perfect red for me. Im sooo happy I bought this one, I just regret that I didn't buy a backup ;(

On my claws this week
This red jewel is OPI Quarter of a Cent-Cherry. Its a deep red, not so bright as on the pictures :/

Home again.
But when I got home there were 2 packages waiting for me... wee :)
It was this adorable little pocket mirror, I will have this one in my handbag instead of always using the mirror inside my compact powder.

My second package was a lot of testers from Garden of Wisdom, I have really been looking forward to getting these ones, since I have heard so much good about GoW. And I'm badly in need of some new skincare.

So I ordered 3 cleansers, 2 toners, 2 serums, 1 lotion and a healing gel. I think I paid around $22 for everything.
The products smells really good and you only need the tiniest amount, so these small boxes will last for a while and hopefully give me time to review them.
I washed my face directly after I had opened the package to try some of them out and now my face still feels very soft and smooth (3 hours after). Looks promising, stay tuned for updates!
Make Up Store Showgirl
At the moment Im running around in the apartment, trying to figure out what to bring. Im packing my suitcase for a short visit to Stockholm and Make Up Stores realease party of the new collection SHOWGIRL. Every fall MUS have a huge show, this year its in Globen and its going to be even bigger since they are celebrating 15 years. I will take a lot of pictures (tho by now you know my photographer skills, so dont expect to much).
Cya there?

Illamasqua - Theatre of the nameless
This is amazing inspiration. I just love the promopictures from Illamasqua, they are different and edgy.
I dont know if I could pull off a green lipstick in real life, but it looks good in picture.
More pictures and information about the products you can find here :
What a lovely mailman..

Do you want to see what is inside?
Ofcourse it was more eyelashes!
I dont really like the box they are in, its paper and easy smashed. Not good to send by mail, or bring with you in the makeup bag. BUT, the quality is high, they are flexible and light. I would love to see more of these ones in a better box. Definately going to use them very soon.

I also got some disposal mascara wands, It makes life so easy when you dont have to wash them, just throw them away;P

Last but not least, my hair thingies!
Now I have to practise doing some really nice and funky hairstyles. Looking forward to try them out, since my hair is like impossible to do anything with.

I also did some shopping at MAC today, I will show you that later!
Oh so pretty

Its Guerlain Rouge 70 Gigolo
Ebay... my worst enemy or best friend?
Whats better than coming home from work and you have a package waiting for you?
(Good thing I have trained my boyfriend, that the most important thing when an AVI has arrived at the doormat is to drop everything and run to the postoffice to get the package)
Today it was a tiny delivery, only some eyelashes. (I have ordered a lot, to compare different styles and quality)
So first out was this pack with 4 different styles, 2 pairs of each. The wraping wasnt so good, so one of the boxes was destroyed, but the lashes weren't affected so. I really like the small pink boxes, they are kinda hard, so they dont get easily smashed and they are tiny so they dont take to much space in my makeup-case. Unfortunately the lashes feels very plastic.
Im not gonna totally diss them before I have tried them on, but it doesn't look good.
Lets hope for better lashes in the next delivery :)
More eyelashes
Well Im up early today, checking the pictures from yesterday, we had this eyelash-evning in the store as I told you about. I wish I could post tons of good pictures for you, but Im a terrible photographer (or can I blame the camera?)
Even I didnt get a lot of pictures we had a great evening :)
Here you can see my colleague Rebecca applying some really huge eyelashes on one of our interns Roea.

Oh aint they lovely

Rebecca had more "normal" lashes, and a few rhinestones aswell.

Time for some coffee and makeup, then Im off to work.