MAC Fall Colour Collection

Its launching in Sweden the 8th of October. It is a lot of old products we see re-lauched in this collection.
I allready have a few of those items, so I thought I would show you. And ofcourse it is the lipsticks.
It's totally 8 in this collection.
Neon Orange, Show Orchid, Fusion Pink and Ruby Woo

Here you have Ruby Woo on the lips:

The four next lipsticks are:
Fleshpot, Violetta, X-S and Plum Bright

Here you have Violetta on the lips:

My lovely purple eyeshadows
First row:
Digit, Satin, permanent
Her Alter Image, Veluxe Pearl (Venomous Villains 2010)
Satellite Dreams, Veluxe Pearl, permanent
Fashion Groupie, Starflash (Love That Look 2009)
Hepcat, Frost, permanent
Vibrant Grape, Satin (Style Warrior 2009)
Shock-A-Holic, Satin (Dear to Wear 2010)
Second row:
My Dark Magic, Mineralize (Venomous Villains 2010)
Earthly Riches, Mineralize, permanent
Noir Plum, Mega Metal (Peacocky 2011)

And on the arm, notice its swatches from both sides on the mineralize eyeshadows.

Pink eyeshadows
Ego, Starflash (Love That Look 2009)
Wintersky, Frost (Chill 2008)
Swish, Frost, permanent
Stars 'N Rockets, Veluxe Pearl, permanent
Dear Cupcake, Satin (Sugar Sweet 2009)
Louder Please, matte (Dear to Wear 2010

And swatches in same order

Yellow and Orange MAC eyeshadows
It was a lot more work than I thought. But now its done, I have swatched all my eyeshadows. First out is the yellow and orange ones. I have tried to take pictures in different light so that you can get a hum about the colours.
From down left and clockwise:
Dreammaker, Starflash (Love That Look 2009)
Going Bananas, Frost (Dare to Wear 2010)
Bright Future, Veluxe Pearl (Style Warrior 2009)
Gorgeous Gold, Veluxe Pearl, permanent
Goldmine, Frost, permanent
Expensive Pink, Veluxe Pearl, permanent
Off the Page, Frost (Makeup Art Cosmetics 2009)
And some swatches
Dreammaker, Going Bananas, Bright Future, Gorgeous Gold, Goldmine, Expensive Pink, Off the page
I confess, I'm a MACoholic.
First visit:
I needed a new powder to do touch-ups during the day, and again I picked Studio Careblend in Light Pluss. This is my 3rd pan, I really love this stuff. And I wanted a creamy highlighter for my cheeks, and ofcourse I ended up with Cream Colour Base in Pearl. The good old classic one, it's a perfect shade for light skin. The third product was a new eyeshadow, I wanted a new light shade that did not go too much towards brown or pink, so I ended up with Vanilla. So far I'm pleased with it, I've had time to try it out a couple of times already.

Second visit:
Well, the first time I went I was supposed to pick up a new pan with Mineralize Skinfinish Natural, but they were sold out. This is the powder I use in the morning to set my foundation. So a new MSN in Medium was needed since the old one was totally empty.

Third visit:
MAC me Over was launced. Ahh... There were two items I really wanted from this collection. The super sweet blending brush #224, ohh I have been waiting years for them to release this one with a collection. Its an amazing brush and its always sold out before I can get my hands on one. But this time I was lucky! The second item was the red lipstick Runaway Red, ohh so pretty. Its a medium/dark bluebased red, it has to be the prettiest red I own. It's the perfect red for me. Im sooo happy I bought this one, I just regret that I didn't buy a backup ;(

My MAC Lipsticks
Finally I decided to get an overview over my lipsticks from MAC (mostly so I dont buy the same color or one thats very similiar)
So this is how I store my lipsticks, so I easy can see all the names
Here you can see the colours:
First row:
Bubble, Blankety, Myth, Cream Cup, Gem of Roses, Hold the pose, Dark Deed, Viva Glam III, Film Noir
Second row:
Craving, Romancin, To Swoon for, Perfetual Flame, Unlimited, A Rose Romance, Viva Glam VI, Cute-steer, Colour Crafted
Third row:
Lollipop Loving, Toxic Tale, Vegas Volt, Crosswire, Big Bow, Sweet Bits, Candy yum-yum, Insanly, Chatterbox, Strayi
Fourth row:
Ruby Woo, Cockney, Fashion Mews, Purple Rite, Violetta, Snazzy, Night Violet, Midnight Media