Something old and something new.
Since I didn't have time to go fix my nails, they kinda grew out too far and the acrylic made it look terrible. So I tried to save it with an old favourite - Wagon Trail from China Glaze, it was such a hype around that nailpolish a while back and I havent used it since then. But its still pretty, but VERY hard to get good on pictures. I did several tries.. but no luck ;(
Yesterday I finally got an appointment to fix my nails. Ahh.. I love the feeling of newly-done nails, they are so smooth and so perfect ! I was in a hurry so I decided to go with the classic red, my new Malaga Wine from OPI.
China Glaze
This deep brown/red jewel is China Glaze Short & Sassy

Can you have a bad nailpolish day?
Well here are some pictures atleast, mabye you can get a hum about the colours atleast.
First out is OPI Lucerne Tainly Look Marvelous

Then I tried to save it with a coat Nfu-Oh #50 (and it got even worse)

So I decided to go with OPI Black Cherry Chutney instead:

Well what can I say... its time to repolish!! :)
OPI... again
Pictures incoming.. I promise to swatch them later!
Malaga Wine (the perfect red atm), Black Cherry Chutney (I can't get enough purple nailpolishes), Lucerne Tainly Look Marvelous (awesome silver/steel grey) and a bottle of RapiDry and 2 Avojuice. The one that smells Coconut Melon I can sniff all day long, wish I could drink it!

Gradient nails
My first try on gradient nails... I am not satisfied with the result, the sponge I had was way to hard.
But I will show you some pictures, and I promise to practise some more and come back with a better manicure ;)
Sunday means new manicure

On my claws this week
This red jewel is OPI Quarter of a Cent-Cherry. Its a deep red, not so bright as on the pictures :/

Pimp my nails


Then they went down in the drawers on my lovely Helmer from IKEA
First drawer is OPI, Essie, MAC, Make Up Store, Color Club, Nubar and Nfu-Oh

Next one is China Glaze, Depend, Misa, Orly, H&M, Isadora and a lot of random brands

And the last one has only NYX and all my base/top coats and nailtreatments.

And as you can see, I have room for plenty more! :) Right now I fancy OPI a lot, so I guess its that part of my collection that will grow in the closest future.
Todays project: organize my nailpolishes.
Something that has been on my to-do list a bit too long.
Stay tuned and wait for the result.
Right now it looks like this:
Its cold outside, its raining... and I love it!

I love all 3 of them.. which one is your favorite?